The beginning of 2021 marked the start of Transition2BIO, a project brought to life under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The main focus of the project is to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable production, consumption and lifestyle through communication, education and support actions.
During the course of two years, Transition2BIO will communicate the Bioeconomy through awareness raising activities, which include large-scale events to increase knowledge on the potential benefits of all sectors of the Bioeconomy. Since education is crucial to determine behavioural changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle, Transition2BIO will identify educational and training needs, and develop educational activities, such as hands-on labs for kids, info-educational games, training for teachers, school competitions and much more. In order to boost the deployment of the national and regional Bioeconomy strategies, the project will stimulate the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning of Member States and Regions, organise workshops, as well as strengthen the activities of the European Bioeconomy Network, an alliance of more than 70 projects and activities promoting the Bioeconomy. Lessons learnt and recommendations will be compiled in awareness, communication and education toolkits, and other relevant Bioeconomy related materials will be made easily accessible through Transition2BIO’s Bioeconomy Online Library.
The project’s consortium is composed of 8 members from 6 European countries, that together will build a more sustainable future for Europe.